Saturday, February 11, 2012

Can you hear me now?

Dear World,

Are you listening?

I feel like I'm speaking into a void sometimes, like the only person who hears me is myself. People just don't seem to understand me these days—if ever, to be perfectly honest. I'm in a strange place, I think. I am not sure there is a way for people to understand what's going on in my head without having gone through this themselves—and I would not wish that on anyone. My shoes aren't exactly comfortable to walk in for a mile these days. I have to make adult decisions now, decisions that don't just affect me but the people I love in this world.

My life has changed so much in the last year, in ways I never thought it would—or at least hoped it wouldn't. I think about things differently than I did a year ago. A year ago I would have prayed that a guy would come in and sweep me off my feet. Now, as much as that would be lovely, I'm a little more cautious about what falling in love would do to my life. The good and the bad things. So much to consider, I guess...

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I also feel like I am talking to air. Or more like I am just talking to myself lol. I'm sorry you are torn between what you want in life and that it has changed so much from what you have expected, but I believe it all happens for a reason and you are on the path you are meant to be on. Things more then likely wont turn out like you plan, but that doesn't mean it wont turn out good either though. :) Good luck in life and I hope you make wonderful decisions to make you happy!
